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1> I have read your instructions about the different areas of Zone Manager and I am still lost.  What the heck are "S", "C", "E", and "M" ?  Why do you have them?
    Let's take a look at how you currently use your Link with your keypad.

When you start your car, Link takes what is stored in its memory and copies them to a current working area.  When you change a value using your keypad, you are changing the Link's current work area but not the stored memory area.  It is only when you perform a store operation using your keypad, the current work area gets copied over to the stored memory area.

So the stored memory area only gets changed when you perform a store operation using your keypad or when you reload a default (such as Turbo 1) with your keypad.

When you are auto tuning or when knock detection takes away timing, the changes are made to the current working area values but not to the stored values.  It is only when you store your changes, the changed values become permanent for next start of your car.

These two zone areas of Link is referred to as "S-area" or "S" for stored memory values and "C-area" or "C" for current working values.  You can read these values separately using the 'Read C' and 'Read S' commands in PLink.

The "M-area" is where you can read in the values from a Map file that you have selected.  You can think of this "M" area as holding a benchmark or comparison map file info.

The "E-area" is a scratch pad area where you can fiddle with values and make as many changes as you like without affecting other area.  Other areas ("S", "C", and "M") can be copied over to "E" area.  Also, "E" area can be compared against "C" and "M" areas for any mismatch.

So why are there so many areas?  The areas are there to provide you with flexibility in experimenting, changing, and comparing three essentially independent areas.

Now you can check what values were changed during your auto tuning run.  You can try loading someone else's map to "C" just to see how they run without touching the permanent stored "S" values.  You can compare difference between two saved map files and then compare them to the current or stored values in Link.  All these operations are possible because there are plenty of rooms to hold different Maps.

It may be bit confusing in the beginning but once you understand the relationships between the areas, you'll be an expert in four different areas of PLink.


2 >  I just want to upload a map file to Link.  How do I do it?


    There are two ways of uploading a map file.  First, the detailed way.
  1. First, convert PC MAP files to Palm PDB files using MapCvt program on your PC.
  2. Use Palm's Install Tool program to put the converted PDB in queue for next Hotsync. (MapCvt V1.2 will try to do this for you automatically.)
  3. Hotsync the converted PDB files to your Palm.
  4. Start PLink program and go to Zone Manager screen.
  5. In the 'Ref MAP' box, select the file you want to copy to Link.
  6. Use 'Ld M' command to copy the selected MAP file to M-area.
  7. In the 'group' box, select "ALL" to operate on the whole file.
  8. Use 'M2Eg' command to copy from M-area to E-area.
  9. Now, uncheck the Link data protection box (small box between C and E).
  10. Use 'E2Cg' command to copy from E-area to Link (and C-area).
  11. You are now using the new MAP data in your Link.  To make the change permanent, use the 'Store' command to permanently store it in Link.

The second way is a short cut way to replace steps 6-10 with one click of "To Lnk" command button.  Note that "To Lnk" command actually performs all the steps automatically.  In doing so, all the intermediate areas will get changed.

3 > I want to try someone else's fuel map but I don't want to mess up my other settings.
  1. Load the new map into E-area. (follow steps 1-7 of FAQ 1)
  2. Now select "Z-fuel(4)" in the group box instead of "ALL".
  3. Follow the instruction steps 8-10 of FAQ 1
4 > How can I make a copy of current Link settings to a MAP file?
    There are also two ways of doing this.  The detailed way.
  1. Use 'Read C' command to copy current Link settings to C-area.
  2. Use 'C2Eg' commands to copy C-area to E-area.  (Make sure "ALL" is selected.)
  3. In the 'Ref MAP' box, write in the new file name for the MAP file.
  4. Use 'Sv E' command to copy E-area info to the newly named MAP file.
  5. On next Hotsync, the new file will show up in your PC. (Palm-User-Backup directory)
  6. Use MapCvt program to convert PDB file to a MAP file.

The second way is a short cut way by replacing the steps 1,2 and 4 with one click of "From L" command button.  Note that "From L" command actually performs all the steps automatically.  In doing so, all the intermediate areas will get changed.  Be sure to type in the file name (step 3) before clicking on "From L" command button.

5 > (I noticed that I had some knocks during my last drive) or (I just did some auto tuning).  How can I check what changes were made to my map?
  1. Use 'Read S' command to copy the original Link values to S-area.
  2. Use 'Read C' command to copy current (changed) Link values to C-area.
  3. Use search command 'SC' to find mismatched locations.  You can limit the search area by selecting sub groups.
  4. To view the changes in table format for fuel and timing, use 'C2Eg' command to copy C-area to E-area.  Now go to 'Fuel /IGN Edit' screen.
  5. In the 'Reference' box, select S-area as your reference. (E-area contains the copy of changed C-area)
  6. Check on the 'Hide Match' box to only show mismatched zones.
  7. Use 'f' or 'i' search commands to find mismatched zones in either fuel or ignition area.


6 > I have tuned my boost controller for two different levels.  How can I switch between them?
  1. Once you are done tuning for each level, save the settings in a file (such as 9psi and 12psi).
  2. To switch to a different boost level, first select the group setting to 'Boost (3)'.
  3. Now 'Ld M' the desired boost level file.  Move to E-area using 'E2Mg'.  Unlock the protection (small box).
  4. Copy E-area to Link using 'E2Cg' command.  Since the 'Boost (3)' group is selected, only the boost targets and other boost parameters will be changed in Link.

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